
VALPRO Path ( is a European Union funded project that focuses on harnessing plant protein production and aims to facilitate a seamless transition from traditional practices to innovative approaches. The following questionnaire was developed by NTUA, DIGNITY and KPAD Ltd. that will perform the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of the solutions provided by VALPRO Path.

We appreciate your time and effort you provided in answering the questions.

1. Do you rent any of your cropland?
What is the average annual cost?
2. What protein crops do you grow and on how many Hectares?
3. What is the average annual yield per Hectare of each protein crop you grow?
Please answer question 2 first
4. What is the average price you sell your unprocessed protein crop per tonne?
Please answer question 2 first
5. Do you process your protein crops?
What is the average price you sell your post-harvest processed protein crop per tonne?
Please answer question 2 first
6. If you process your protein crops post-harvest, do you export your protein crop products to other countries?
Ηow many tn per year are exported and what is the annual income from these exports?
Please answer question 2 first
7. What type of fertilizers do you use on the protein crops, and what is the application rate of the fertilisers per Hectare
8. What other chemicals do you use on your protein crops, and what is their application rate per Hectare?
9. Please provide an estimate of what the annual cost of maintenance for your machinery (fuel, repair, depreciation, machinery hire) is that is used for the protein crops you grow.
10. Which fossil fuels do you use for your protein crops you grow, and what is the annual consumption of each fossil fuel you use for the protein crops you grow?
11. Do you irrigate your protein crops?
What type of water do you use for irrigation purposes regarding the protein crops you grow, and what is the annual consumption?
12. What is the annual electricity consumption (MWh) for all the processes related to the protein crops you grow?
13. Do you generate any form of renewable energy on your farm?
What type of renewable energy and how many MWh are generated per annum, and what is the use (in farm, sold to network, sold to third party, etc.)?
14. Has your protein crop products obtained any certification or label?
Which ones?
15. What are the total hours of work required for protein crops on your farm (include that of all farm workers)?
16. How many male/female employees work on protein crops on your farm?
17. What is the average age of your workers?
18. What is the number of permanent employees and the number of seasonal workers?
19. How many of your employees are originally from the region where your farm is located?